Case study

Bibi Smit


Bibi Smit is an expert artisan working with glass since 1988, with work including The Mauritshuis and Milan Design Biennale. Together we have developed a cohesive visual style to support and enhance her local and international exhibitions.


The main goal was to create a visual style that is easy to use. Through design rules and templates, we ensured that all visual identity elements; from email footers and websites, to packaging, business cards, postcards and banners are consistent and aligned.


The challenge was not to override the visual impact of the artwork but to support and enhance it. We achieved this by spending time in the workshop and understanding the process of glassblowing. We created a stylized version of melting glass, by depicting it as a fragile, thin line. This became the main visual component for the identity, which we paired with color and clear fonts to support the visual narrative of the original artwork.


The new visual style has resulted in a coherent presentation, making the design of identity system less complex. This has increased recognizability, and both clients and galleries respond positively to the aesthetics and professionalism of her visual expressions.

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